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Only almost here

Saturday, February 28, 2009, 9:14 PM

I`ve been going to JJ for three days straight.
The usual Caramel Macchiato. 
Except yesterday, I had orange juice. 
But also an uglier and chocolate cake. 
EEEEEEE. okay motivated enough. 
I need to hit the gym or go running real sooooon! 

Its like when you shut your eyes real tight and wish with all your might that you could have the power to change things. 
Like when you would dream about things and when someone wakes you up, you get annoyed cause they`re actually disrupting your perfect world, the figment of your imagination.
Like when you write a story or a song, you`d wanna create it as near as your fictional world. 
Its like wishing and wanting for something that could never ever be yours to keep.
That perfect dream, school, boy or even family. 
Its like hoping for a miracle, no? 

Its getting closer now. 

I`m still learning how to love life. 
Its harder than it looks. 
Oh well, I`m picking up the pieces. 
Trying to put things back to where it came from. 
But things that would leave me broken beyond repair, just won`t leave me alone. 
I`m strong.
I can fight it.
Well, look at it this way, I only broke down on the way to JJ yesterday night. 
I`m picking myself up amidst all these chaos. 
I`m slowly trying to learn how fragile life is. 

"You`re already a big girl." 

-Thanks for the chocolates, Yammy. And the note. Though I can`t remember from word to word But I know what you said vaguely. 
Love you and miss you, (:  

Friday, February 27, 2009, 6:40 PM
& Yep, I looked sad in this photo. LOL.
And that is natty`s hand kay. -.-

And so,
I spent my friday at Jon`s place with Nad to visit him.
Like a movie marathon with Macdonalds.
Hahaha, I felt very fat then. -.-
Then off to Tamp to meet Junjie who complained that we are of a different time zone.
Thing is we agreed to meet at 6pm.
But ended up meeting at 7plus. -.-
LOL. And we reached JJ at 8pm.
Talked, slacked and my usual Caramel Macchiato.
Thanks Junjie! :D
Oh, and also an unexpected event that left me quite embarrassed and pondering.
But I still think its out of courtesy to the sister.
Nonetheless, a very nice end to a bad start.
Went off at about 11pm and took a cab home with Junjie.
I feel...... confused.

And right now still.
I`m thinking.
But I can`t seem to arrive to any conclusion.
I don`t feel like talking cause I don`t really know what to say.
I know what you all must be thinking.
"Think of a way out"
Yes, definitely that was what I did.
But the way out isn`t exactly ideal right now.
I don`t know how long I can bottle this up.

No no,
I promised Grandma.
I`ll find a way out.
I know I can.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009, 7:32 AM

Oh, the rainbow looks stunning right? 

Okay, as usual me and natty would head to starbucks every wednesday.
Don`t ask me why wednesdays. 
I just like wednesdays. hahahah! 
And you`re invited as long as you know which starbucks will we be heading. :p

Okay so today, Tia joined us. 
AHAHA, its been ages since we last met up with her!
So as usual, gossip session, no doubt.
Hahahaha, and many many other talks.
Catching up and reminiscing about our lives and of course, those secondary school moments! 
Anddddd oh, new eyecandy! Hee. :p
Shut up kay tia. Hahahahahah!
I know what you`re thinking! 
Next week as usual okay <3 

Oh yes, catching up sessions are certainly enjoyable. 

I`m picking myself up. 

Tuesday, February 24, 2009, 12:59 AM
"Girls are taught a lot of stuff growing up. If a guy punches you he likes you. Never try to trim your own bangs and someday you will meet a wonderful guy and get your very own happy ending. Every movie we see, Every story we're told implores us to wait for it, the third act twist, the unexpected declaration of love, the exception to the rule. But sometimes we're so focused on finding our happy ending we don't learn how to read the signs. How to tell from the ones who want us and the ones who don't, the ones who will stay and the ones who will leave. And maybe a happy ending doesn't include a guy, maybe... it's you, on your own, picking up the pieces and starting over, freeing yourself up for something better in the future. Maybe the happy ending is... just... moving on. Or maybe the happy ending is this, knowing after all the unreturned phone calls, broken-hearts, through the blunders and misread signals, through all the pain and embarrassment you never gave up hope. "

- He`s just not that into you

The movie is super hilarious and true actually. 
And Gigi is super determined and cute.
And finally, she had her own happy ending.
Which is predictable. 
Plus, Ben Affleck is super hot in the movie.
Go watch it too! :D


Ahhhh, I`m freaking hungry.
Dad didn`t buy any food. -.-
I`m in my pjs and so, I`m lazy to go out again. 
Plus, no more maggi mee and I`m lazy to cook/fry anything.
Hahah, and you`re probably wondering why am I lazy since there is like Afghanistan, Rasa 21, Mr teh tarik and Saffron to choose from and all I have to do is just walk for five minutes.
HAHAH, I`ve just wiped off all my make up and already cleansed my face plus put on the night lotion and pimple cream. HAHAHAH!
Hence, I`m lazy to wipe it all off. 

And you,
I`m tired of you using me over and over again. 
I gave you a second chance and you blew it. 
Don`t blame me for not trying to reach.
You`re the one who wasted it.


Nicholas James Vujicic

And this person is an inspiration, most definitely.
You guys should totally youtube him or read up on him.

I can do this.
I know I can. I can totally do this. 
I remembered the promise I made on Nenek`s grave.
I won`t break that promise. 
Especially not to my late grandma. 
I`ll pick myself up from now on. 
A few setbacks ain`t gonna get in the way. 
If Nick Vujicic can do this, so can I. 
I`m a strong girl, I know I can. 

To you, them and everyone else.


Sunday, February 22, 2009, 7:31 AM

don’t know what’s right and what’s real anymore
I don’t know how I’m meant to feel anymore
When do you think it will all become clear?
‘Cuz I’m being taken over by The Fear

-The fear

I`m tired of pretending that everything is okay when it seriously isn`t.
I`m tired of putting on a fake everything because I can`t possibly show my feelings.
I`m tired of trying to make everything okay. 

I`m so shagged of everything right now.
I don`t know how to feel to things anymore. 
I wanted to know what`s going through your mind.
But now, I don`t really care. 
I don`t know what to say or do. 
I`m so immune to have people coming and going that I`ll just have to accept the fact that we don`t talk anymore.
I`m happy that you`re happy, A.
I can`t possibly make things go way worst than it already is. 

I`m honestly so darn tired. 
I wished I could blog everything about what happened and why I did it.
But I can`t. 
I know I`m too weak.

I`m trying so hard to be myself. 
I`m so guarded right now. 
Tough luck, people. 

Saturday, February 21, 2009, 7:53 AM
We are surrounded by people,
yet we feel so alone. 

Or maybe, its just me. 

I`m sorry.
I`ve disappointed all of you. 
Maybe she`s right all along.

I`m far too weak. 

Friday, February 20, 2009, 7:09 AM
How do you sleep at night?
Doesn`t your conscience keep you awake at all? 

I kept thinking that I`m messing my life up, screwing up many times.
But now I see that you`re way messed up.
You`re the screwed up one.
You should be ashamed of yourself.
Preaching to me about doing the right things when you`re out there doing God-knows-what. 
Talk about hypocrisy.

You are a downright letdown. 

Thursday, February 19, 2009, 6:21 AM

Pardon my retarded face, if you must. 

Life has been, without a doubt, pretty blissful.
Minus the part where I sometimes think too much and get all frustrated and upset about nothing.
Okay, it isn`t really nothing.
But I don`t think the whole blogging community should know.
Its for me to know and you guys to never ever find out. Hahaha. 
I have to thank my friends for being concerned about me. 
The boys and girlfriends for always showing me a good time.
Its hard to be unhappy when I`m with you guys. 
Plus, I`m all psyched for the outing with dearest happy pills! 
Please please make it happen! 
I wanna go to Henderson Wave, again! :D 

And to S,
I`m sorry. 
For my incredibly unpredictable moodswings. 
For being hot-headed and temperamental. 
I know you`re just trying to be concerned about my well-being. 
I`m sorry for making you all worried about nothing. 

Its like everything is finally back to normal.
But it ain`t right without ya, Chups
You know who you are.
I have so many things to tell you.
I miss you. 

And I miss you, N.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009, 5:57 AM

I`m nervous and excited for tomorrow!
I won`t say much in case I jinx it. 
Heee, but hopefully it`ll be good news! 
*prays very hard

Things are finally falling into place.
God, please don`t take it away from me for the second time. 
I`m finally appreciating life. 

Tuesday, February 17, 2009, 8:07 AM

And I turn around
You're with him now
I just can't figure it out

Tell me why
You're so hard to forget
Don't remind me
I'm not over it
Tell me why
I can't seem to face the truth
I'm just a little too not over you

- A little too not over you

I honestly have no idea who the song is for.
I just think its nice to listen to. 
Or maybe not. Hee. 
And please eh people,
please don`t go around misinterpreting what I write on my blog.
HAHAHAH, you know who you are. :D 

Things have been pretty alright.
I couldn`t watch the rugby match today due to rashes.
Irritating much! 
So I spent the day at home. 
Watching shows and movies online.
Tomorrow will be going to JJ with natty.
Yay, can`t wait.
I need my starbucks fix like ASAP!

A new issue popped up.
But I won`t let it get to me.
I`ll just carry on doing what I`ve been doing.
Minus what I`m not supposed to.
They say karma is a bitch.
Well, let`s see if its true.
If it is, good luck to you then.

Can`t wait for Yammy`s parcel! 
Yay for swiss chocolates! heh heh. 

Monday, February 16, 2009, 5:47 AM

All of a sudden, 
I smiled while I was doing some tagged thing on facebook.
Because, it reminded me of you-know-who.
And every single happy thing that happened to us.

You have always been in my heart and prayers. 

Friday, February 13, 2009, 6:17 AM
We lived
We loved
We hurt
We joked
We're right
We're wrong
We're weak
We're strong
We lived to love

-Chemical reacts

It has been a mixture of sucky yet enjoyable week.
Enjoyable because I got to spend time with the happy pills. 
Only God knows how much I`ve missed them.
Sucky because... 
Well, some things just bound to happen and its draining me out. 
You guys won`t know.
Cause I have not told a single soul about it.
But its definitely taking a huge toll on me. 
But I`m trying to hang in there. 
Cause I know things will be okay, eventually. 

On a lighter note, 
I managed to watch Valkyrie just now with S
Its relating to history, based on a true story about the assassination of Adolf Hitler.
Obviously a failed attempt cause Hitler committed suicide after Germany lost to the allies. 
It was pretty cool, except a few ridiculous parts. 
  I wanna watch Defiance also! 
Soooon okay, S?

I`m sorry to those that I`ve wronged. 
I know that sometimes I might just say something without thinking.
I know that your patience have been stretched thin being friends with me.
But I am really really sorry.
I know that I may turn on my immature side and it pisses you guys off. 
I`m sincerely sorry.
I don`t know how else to convey this message cause you guys don`t wish to talk to me.
I miss you guys a whole lot, I really do.
I`m really really sorry for everything. 
You don`t know how hard I`ve wished that things wouldn`t have come to this. 
I really miss talking to you guys. 
I know you must have been utterly disappointed. 
I hope to make it up to you guys. 
Hope to talk to yall soon.

Love, the budak kecik.

Thursday, February 12, 2009, 8:00 AM
Broken in so many pieces. 

I completely lost hope in everything.
Hope is just another disappointment.
History do repeat itself. 
And I have succumb to its unfortunate fate. 

, 5:32 AM
Happy 17th Dut! :D

T`was a wonderful day spent with the happy pills.
We celebrated Dut`s birthday over at Seoul Garden for lunch.
And standard, everybody was late. hee. 
Met up with Ath then waited for the rest to come.
Ath and I were starving and once we got seated, 
we went to get the food.
Hee, awesome food with awesome companions.
Non-stop crap and photo-taking.
I think we sat there around 2hours.
Left the place for some park at blk 147.
Snap photos again and again while watching the guys play soccer.
I ended up leaving at about 8pm.
The day was really worth it cause I get to spend it with the dopest companions ever. 
Next outing would be trekking: Henderson Waves
Probably from Telok Blangah park hill to Mount Faber? 
Heh, so exciting! 

Tuesday, February 10, 2009, 8:29 AM
"When the orbits of these two satellites of ours happened to cross paths, we could be together."

No doubt, I had an effing good time touring the neighourhood with the happy pills.
Initially, the plan was to accompany me to TP then back to Afghan area then to Junyuan for the rugby match since we promised the guys.
We were all so hyped up about the rugby match but in the end, we didn`t get to watch it.
Because, Ath, Natty and me were told to get out since we were wearing flipflops.
Okay, it may sound like no big deal cause maybe it was our fault for wearing flipflops in the first place.
But some of the guys were wearing them and they didn`t get kicked out.
SHEEEEESH, all thanks to a certain someone who is so freaking biased against us girls.
And its still sucky not being able to watch it! Pffsst.

Anywaaaays, we headed to TM and walked around.
Bought Q`s birthday cake and met up with Fawwaz.
Then we walked to the blk opposite of Junyuan and surprised her.
Then we slacked at the RC and talked crap.
Heh heh, took lotsa photos and joked around.
I missed them!
Headed home at around 8plus together with Rafie, Agil, Shaf, Tristan, Roi, Farhan and Tristan`s friend.

Yay, and now I so can`t wait for thursday!
Seoul Garden! :D

*infinity misses

Monday, February 9, 2009, 8:38 AM
Running back through the fire
When there's nothing left to save
It's like chasing the very last train when it's too late

Oh it tears me up
I try to hold on, but it hurts too much
I try to forgive, but it's not enough to make it all okay

You can't play on broken strings
You can't feel anything that your heart don't want to feel
I can't tell something that ain't real

- Broken strings

Oh yes, this song has been playing on repeat in my mind since I first heard like late last year.
I think the song is nice. 
I`m in love with James Morrison. Heh heh.

Okay, things have gotten complicated.
I`ll just let time heal everything. (:

Now, all I got to think about is my school admission!
Hopefully TP would accept me! *crosses finger*
Will be meeting the happy pills later at Junyuan for rugby!
I miss them heaps! 
And thursday for Seoul Garden with happy pills again!
Friday! Heeeee, Underworld 3! 
Yaaay, can`t wait! 

I know you`re reading my blog.
Well, at least I think you read my blog.
Please tell me why you`re disappointed. I need to know.  
:\ Its not the same when I don`t talk to you. 

Alrightey, painkillers time.
Which also means drowsy and sleepy time.
HAHAH, see you. 

Sunday, February 8, 2009, 6:37 AM

& So, the trip to the doctor proved to be an uneventful one.
I got hospitalised towards the end.
But don`t ask me why.
I have no clue, actually. -.-
But I am discharged now.
The doctor prescribe me three kinds of medicine.
All for the same reason, to ease the pain. Hahah.
I need to go for checkup due to my left thumb.
Greaaaaaaaaat, dhai. -.-

Lesson learnt:
Always go to the doctor straight away

I feel guilty.
I didn`t mean for all these to happen.
Trust me, I don`t even know they had to be involved in this.
God, the whole thing is driving me insane.
I need answers.
Please enlighten me anyone?

Okay, so if yall wanna come visit, visit me at my place okay?

Dearr N,
I miss you and I need you.

Friday, February 6, 2009, 6:25 AM
Supposedly like light kind of effect. HAHAH!

Multiple color effect. LOL! 

I look freaking weird. HAHAH!
My skin tone is all wrong. Hee.

HAHAH, polaroid! 
And I did not use the stamp thing okay. hee.

I got bored, like way way bored.
& So, I surfed the net for Photoshop effects.
Edited a few photos. 
Soooo yucky, can? hee.
Ohwells, this is what happens when boredom strikes! 
I do lame things! Hee.

I can`t wait to meet the happy pills!
Picnic with the bestieeee!
Sentosa with the dearest girls! 

PS/ Get well soon, Asree Hanan Jon & Nad! LOL!
(WTF! Final destination! HAHAHAH!)

Thursday, February 5, 2009, 12:41 AM
Click on the word "Tagboard" if you want to tag, yeah?

Late-night macdonald`s sure made my night,
while watching Dirty Dancing: Havana nights.
Heeeeeeee, and I think the new Mcflurry is dope.
Hahahah! :D
Wooo, I am definitely one contented and fat kid.
Just for yesterday night. Heh heh.

I can`t wait to meet the happy pills next week!
I`ve missed all of them badly!

Okay, I feel sore now.
Byeeee, lovelies.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009, 10:00 AM
The favourite little girl and I 

"If you spent your life concentrating on what everyone else thought of you, would you forget who you really were? What if the face you showed the world turned out to be a mask... with nothing beneath it?" 
Jodi Picoult

It makes me wonder, alot.
What is weird is that I think I am doing exactly it. 
Gosh, staying at home really makes one reflect.

Time is running out. 

Tuesday, February 3, 2009, 7:35 AM

And so, 
Natty is gonna drag me to the doctor tomorrow.
I`m only going cause my body aches like crazy. 
Hopefully, it is just a muscle strain. 
Bet its good news to some of you that I`m finally gonna go to the doctor. 
Heh heh. 

To keep things on a way lighter note, 
I`ve been staying at home for the past two days.
So, I`ve been watching supernatural online.
Yep, season 1 & 2.
Heh heh, Jensen Ackles & Jared Padalecki are damn effing hot! :D
Yay, season 3 now. 

I wanna go out sooooooon!
And can`t wait for picnic with the girlies! 
:D I`ve missed them like crazyyy. 
Text me if you guys are able to alrighteyyyy!

I miss you. 
I wish you were here, every time I close my eyes. 

Hope you guys have a speedy recovery aight!
Get well soon, Jon & Nad. (:

Monday, February 2, 2009, 7:49 PM
The past few days have been pretty intense.
Painful and still shocking.

I`m still in pain.

But it isn`t anybody`s fault.
I`m just thankful to God that it isn`t that serious.

Though, I can`t stop from waking up in the middle of the night and drenched in sweat.
God, please make the dreams go away.

Wishing that you`re here and to tell me things would be alright in your weird way.


Sunday, February 1, 2009, 7:06 AM
Heaps of thanks to;

Uncle Tan, Zul, Hanan, Fai, Nuraisha, Jon & wife.

& Of course, Nadiah.

Infinity amount of thanks. (:

Will elaborate later.
Still in shock.

Layout: fallingcloudberries. (portfolio | blog )
Others: Scans Icons DD Pop Art BG