Dear Anonymous;
Knowing it was how far it got.
I never want to know what the XY is feeling. (read;
Once is enough. (repeat this to myself x100000)
Like the saying goes, "Once bitten, Twice shy"
Or rather, in my case; Gazillion-enth time bitten, infinity times shy.
HAHAHA, rather weird saying if you ask me.
Cos when I found out, I'd go all around it trying to seek its meaning.
Then, I get dissapointed cos its not what I'm craving for.
So, when dissapointment comes in, thts when I start thinking about you.
All along, you've been the comfy cushion whenever I fall.
You snapped me back to reality more times than anyone has ever done.
Ahhh, the sick cycle starts again.
Viciously pulling me as a victim while the mind replays & reminisces about him.
The overwhelming thought of not having him around anymore is too heavy to let go.
Alright, let me tell you readers here a secret.
Its not that I can't let go, its just that I don't want to. (read;
don't want)
He is like my imaginary friend,
Someone I'd go to for comfort whenever I'm feeling low.
People would ask me "why him?"
Like an imaginary friend, I can't explain.
People would go around telling me "You think so much about him but does he think about you? He already has a girlfriend."
My response would be;
yeah, I know jolly well know that he has a girlfriend. But you wouldn't know how I feel if you're not in my shoes.
It was the most euphoric feeling being with him.
The kind of tingling feeling you get whenever you meet your loved ones.
Those butterflies-in-my-stomach kind of feeling.
As cliche as it sounds, it never gets old. reaally.
Its a feeling that you won't forget, not that you'd try to anyway.
He's the reason why I've been pulling through.
Those memories and his advices would effortlessly help me out, holding me on.
Only that those after-effects weren't so pleasant cos I'd end up missing him again.
I still remembered I went to him cos I felt so lost after my grandma's death.
I didn't know who to turn to.
He was the one who told me to study hard and not to dissapoint my grandma since it was the O'levels period.
The most crucial period of my life.
He was the one cheering me on, supporting me all the way.
I'm falling in and out of love with this guy, my imaginary friend.
Cos right now, he's not here by my side anymore.
God, this is the most longest rant ever.
To those who thinks this is an emo post (*ehem farhan!) heh.
Do yrself a favour and closing the page.
hahah, i'm so not emo.
Just in need of venting and ranting my feelings.
i feel better. (: